Magnesium Epsom salts for baths in a cloth bag Milh Aljamal "Salt of Beauty", 1000 gr

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Epsom magnesium salt is a natural source of magnesium, which is essential for boosting immunity, improving sleep and beautiful, smooth skin. Magnesium salt baths have been proven to help relieve stress and improve mood. But magnesium is not synthesized in the body, so it is important to get it from outside, for example, from bath salts, which are 99% magnesium. Before reaching your hands, Salt of the Earth undergoes several stages of purification in order to retain the maximum of its beneficial properties for your beauty and health. We do not add fragrances and fragrances to it, which is why our salt is suitable for even the most sensitive skin. Everyone needs magnesium, but a woman should have more of it! The fact is that magnesium is actively involved in the function of childbearing, along with other microelements, is "responsible" for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. But in ordinary life, a woman really needs it. The normal level of magnesium is important for the formation of the menstrual cycle and libido, the prevention of the development of arterial hypertension, depressive states. If a woman lacks magnesium, the body begins to retain water. A woman quickly loses her beauty, looks tired, edematous, pale. Defective collagen is formed and the skin loses its supporting layer. There are not only stretch marks and stretch marks on the skin, but also sagging of the skin, in fact, its early aging. If you bring the level of magnesium back to normal - the pressure decreases, the pulse normalizes, swelling disappears, and the skin condition improves. In women, magnesium deficiency is much more common - by 20-30%. This is due to "female" genetics. There is such a hormone aldosterone - it regulates water-salt metabolism. Its excess leads to fluid retention, excessive loss of magnesium. HOW DOES IT WORK? When you take an Epsom salt bath, the magnesium in the formula dissipates pressure in your body, and you can experience very real physical and emotional lightness, as well as magnetic rebalancing. By reducing toxicity, your body releases energy after such a bath to use it more efficiently. Magnesia, dissolved in a mass of water, creates a static uniform electric field, and by immersing the body in this field, it helps to neutralize excess electrical charges in one area of the body and create magnetic balance. In order for the carbonaceous waste products of food digestion to be eliminated from the body, sufficient oxygen must be supplied to the blood and tissues for this oxidation to occur. If there is not enough oxygen to complete the process, partially oxidized carbonaceous wastes are produced, such as urea and other acids and toxins, which are decomposition products. Epsom salts are made by replacing the carbon component of magnesium carbonate with hydrogen sulfide, resulting in magnesium sulfate. Magnesium actively reacts with carbon, and at the first opportunity, magnesium sulfate displaces the hydrogen sulfide component, again combining with carbon. It is this ardent love of magnesium for carbon that is the secret to the healing effects of Epsom salts. Magnesium absorbs carbon, which is part of the toxins, making harmful waste products soluble and easier to remove from the body. These unoxidized carbon-containing elements accumulate in the blood and tissues of the body, leading to internal intoxication and disease. This is where a properly applied Epsom salt comes in handy. Its main value lies in its external use, due to its ability to draw toxins from tissues through the skin. It is for this purpose that doctors still prescribe magnesium baths to patients to this day. Use salt after long flights, jet lag, emotional stress, during detox, overtraining and stress. HOW TO USE * Prepare the bath for the procedure, prepare a towel and bathrobe. It is necessary to carry out the procedure before going to bed, it is advisable to listen to soothing music and turn on soft light; *Fill the tub with warm water. The temperature of the water should be 36 - 38 degrees C. So the beneficial substances are best absorbed into your body; Add Epsom salts to the bath (from 0.3 to 0.8 kg.). Stir until completely dissolved; *Add 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Baking soda is known for its cleansing power and even has anti-fungal properties. It also makes the skin soft, silky and supple; *Before starting, drink a glass of water. During the entire course, it is very important to drink at least 2.5 water per day; * Take a bath exclusively in a sitting position, being in the water along the line of the heart. Short-term immersion with the head is allowed several times per procedure; * Bath time is 15-20 minutes, after completion it is recommended to take a cool shower. * If you wrap your body in a blanket without rinsing immediately after leaving the bathroom, you can extend the detoxification process through sweat for another couple of hours. FACE AND BODY CARE Whether you're seeing a beautician for acne or simply for a facial, you'll also come across the use of Epsom salts. This natural mineral is part of cosmetic scrubs for the face and body. Added in equal parts to moisturizers, magnesium sulfate is used as an ordinary scrub. The mixture applied to the face and body is kept for three to five minutes, and then washed off. This procedure cleanses the skin, helps to get rid of acne. It is not only pleasant, but also useful - the skin becomes cleaner and more elastic, its appearance improves. * Promotes the removal of acne; * Restores regeneration processes after bruises and other wounds on the skin surface; * Removal of epithelial cells, skin renewal; * Expands pores, prepares the skin for facial cleansing and masks. * ?It is useful to use bitter salt for people with oily skin types that are prone to acne. Have you ever noticed that after a vacation spent by the sea or ocean, most skin problems are significantly reduced, acne is reduced and new ones do not appear, but after a while the effect disappears and acne returns? You can get the same result away from the alluring coast. To do this, simply wash your face in the morning and evening with a solution of magnesium sulfate, diluted in a small amount of cold water until completely dissolved. HAIR CARE For those who want to have healthy, strong hair, Epsom salts will be indispensable. There are several ways to use it: If you mix it with hair conditioner in a 1 to 1 ratio and hold it on your hair for five minutes, your hair will become shiny and fluffy. Thus, even on the thinnest hair, it will be possible to create a beautiful hairstyle. Magnesia is also used in case of hair loss - magnesium has a strengthening effect. Epsom salt shampoo. If you still use commercial shampoos, you can help your hair by adding magnesium sulfate to your shampoo. It must be added in a 1:1 ratio. This mixture is applied to dry hair and left for 2-3 minutes, washed off, as usual, with water. As a dry shampoo, Epsom salts are rubbed into the hair roots. They will not become shiny and clean, but will delay washing your hair for a day. If you carry out such procedures for a month or more, the interval between washing will increase. It is important to remember that magnesium sulfate, like dry shampoo, will crumble for some time, so after the procedure it is better to carefully shake off the dry residue. CARE FOR HANDS AND FEET 100 grams of Epsom salts are enough for hand and foot baths. Water should be 37-38 degrees. Hold your arms or legs for at least 15 minutes. This procedure also perfectly softens the cuticles and hard formations, the skin of the feet and fights foot and nail fungus. But like any natural effect, it requires constancy and duration. The minimum course is 10 baths. A foot bath with magnesium sulfate, aged for 30 minutes, will relieve the pain of sprains and bruises. Epsom salt relieves inflammation, helps to relax, relieves muscle pain and softens rough skin. It acts as an emollient, exfoliator and antibacterial agent. DETOXIFICATION For an effective detox and detox program at home, it is recommended to complete a course of 10 treatments and maintain the condition on a weekly basis. Lymph is the main fluid that removes toxins and decay products from the body. The circulation, or movement of the lymph, is driven by the work of the muscles, unlike the circulatory system, in which the heart is the engine, and we do not need to make additional efforts. That is why we need either physical activity or massage to stimulate the movement of lymph. Recommendations for high-quality detoxification of the body: 1. Hiking or jogging from 3 to 5 km daily; 2. Drink 1.5 to 3 liters of water daily; 3. Daily eat green vegetables / fruits / greens in different variations (salads, smoothies, smoothies, juices); 4. Shower morning and evening using Epsom salts instead of shower gel/soap 5. Epsom salt baths every other day instead of an evening shower; After the bath, you need to take a warm shower, lie down in bed and wrap yourself up, leaving only your head free. Lying wrapped up for 30-40 minutes is very good if you manage to fall asleep during this time. ANTI-STRESS In stressful situations, an increased amount of ionized magnesium is excreted from the body. Magnesium increases the body's resistance to stress. Regular baths with Epsom salts can significantly improve your well-being, increase vitality and relieve tension and stress. A lack of magnesium in our body can cause fear, anxiety, nervousness, impatience, insomnia, headache, constant fatigue, uncontrollable irritation, from which both the person himself and the people around him suffer. If there are few magnesium salts in the body, this causes changes in nerve impulses. The fact is, the nerve impulse depends on the movement of mineral ions, mainly calcium and magnesium. But if there is too little magnesium, the exchange of ions is disturbed. Use for stress: Two cups of salt per hot bath. Epsom salts are even said to clear the mind! This bath has such an amazing effect. An Epsom salt bath also detoxifies and relieves headaches. Oils or essential oils can be added to the bath for fragrance. This bath can be taken three times a week, for 15-20 minutes. The use of this mineral for baths is considered one of the most effective remedies for spasms, high blood pressure and convulsions. Magnesium sulfate also improves blood circulation, prevents blood clots and eliminates cellulite. It has been proven that baths with magnesium sulfate significantly accelerate the recovery of the body after severe injuries and illnesses, and also have a pleasant relaxing effect. BODY CORRECTION Epsom salt, which has different names, has rejuvenating and anti-cellulite properties. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, soothes, relaxes and helps to get rid of fatty deposits under the skin. Salt is often used as a cosmetic product. When the body is immersed in a heated Epsom salt solution, the pressure in the body is immediately felt to decrease, relief is felt, and balance is restored. Such a procedure at home allows you to reduce the toxicity of the body, and it is even believed that some amount of energy is released, which can be used effectively. The anti-cellulite effect of Epsom salt is due to the fact that it significantly activates blood circulation, improves metabolic processes in skin cells and very intensively "pulls out" toxins (decay products) from the skin, cleansing skin tissues and helping them restore youthfulness, smoothness, healthy appearance. A noticeable result can be achieved by taking baths two to three times a week or several sessions with an interval of two days. How to take an anti-cellulite bath with Epsom salts: Fill the bath with hot water (38-44 ° C), add the prepared composition to it; Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes. You should not spend more time in the bath - otherwise, after the end of the procedure, you may feel too "relaxed" and tired; Lying in the bath, drink clean water or herbal tea (250-300 ml) in small sips - this will help the body to more actively get rid of toxins and absorb nutrients; After taking a bath, dry yourself with a damp towel or take a cool shower without using soap or other detergents. ?Anti-cellulite Epsom salt scrub: Take a warm shower for 4-5 minutes, then take a handful of Epsom salts and rub it thoroughly into the warmed skin, paying special attention to problem areas. In salt, you can first add 1-2 tablespoons of honey or essential oils that have an anti-cellulite effect. After the procedure, rinse the body with cool water and apply anti-cellulite oil. Epsom Salt Wraps: In addition to bathing, Epsom salts can also be used as an ingredient in body wraps, which are great for weight loss. In a quarter cup of warm water, dissolve a tablespoon of Epsom salts and add 10 drops of menthol oil to it. After all the ingredients are well dissolved, soak cheesecloth in the mixture and wrap it around your waist. From above you need to wrap with cling film and be like this for 20 minutes. It is important to carry out the procedure for at least two weeks. Epsom salt baths are recommended for people involved in sports to reduce natural muscle soreness after exercise, as it helps absorb lactic acid. Such baths will become simply an indispensable tool for those people who resort to special anti-cellulite fitness: in just twenty minutes of taking a bath, you can remove unpleasant muscle tension, which especially often occurs in beginners, allowing them to play sports intensively and fully. LYMPH DRAINAGE Lymph is the main fluid that removes toxins and decay products from the body. The circulation, or movement of the lymph, is driven by the work of the muscles, unlike the circulatory system, in which the heart is the engine, and we do not need to make additional efforts. That is why, in order to stimulate the movement of lymph, we need physical activity, massage, and, as we already know, magnesium, which removes residual decay products through the pores of the skin. It is important to remember that keeping fit is an ongoing process. This is why we recommend using salt daily instead of shower gel/soap. Lymphatic drainage in the shower is done in circular motions from the periphery to the center, starting from the solar plexus to the shoulders, then in circular motions clockwise - the stomach, then the arms from the hands to the shoulders and legs from the feet to the buttocks, buttocks - also in circular motions, back - from the waist up and shoulders - from the neck to the shoulders. Ingredients: Sulfated magnesium salt 100%. Weight: 1000 gr + cloth bag Shelf life: 3 years Production: Kharnoub Establishment, Damascus, Syria.
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